Only recently woken from their centuries' long slumber, the dragons are unprepared to face them. But when a legend is uncovered, revealing the existence of a lost tribe of mages, hope flickers to life.
The race is on as Tyler Durand and Anwen Kaida rush to find this missing tribe while the others prepare for their last stand. But time and numbers are against them, and Anwen fears that even if they find the lost mages, it will be too late.
~ Smashwords ~
Karlie Lucas is a preschool teacher by day and a writer/artist by night.
A graduate of Southern Utah University, Karlie received a B.A. in Creative Writing, with a minor in art. She is a member of Sigma Tau Delta, The International English Honor Society, as well as ANWA, the American Night Writers Association.
Karlie is interested in all things magical and mysterious, especially elves and dragons. She is an avid fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling.
When not writing, Karlie can often be found drawing, baking, watching her favorite old school shows, or just spending time with her family.
She currently resides in Dallas, Texas with her husband and a cat named Kally
A graduate of Southern Utah University, Karlie received a B.A. in Creative Writing, with a minor in art. She is a member of Sigma Tau Delta, The International English Honor Society, as well as ANWA, the American Night Writers Association.
Karlie is interested in all things magical and mysterious, especially elves and dragons. She is an avid fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling.
When not writing, Karlie can often be found drawing, baking, watching her favorite old school shows, or just spending time with her family.
She currently resides in Dallas, Texas with her husband and a cat named Kally
~AUTHOR INTERVIEW with Karlie Lucas~
1) What gave you the inspiration for the story line?
Tarragon: Dragon Bane is the third in a trilogy, and while it sort of can stand on its own from the others, it is part of an overall arc. The original idea came as a dream about my main character seeing a vision of dragons in swirling dust. From there, I just had to write it to see what led up to that and what went past. For Dragon Bane, it was a little harder because I wasn't sure what was going to happen until I'd started writing book two. By that point, I had figured out who the overall villain was and had to find a way for them to defeat them, and that's how Dragon Bane came about. I think, in the back of my mind, I always knew it would come to this point but it just didn't solidify until halfway through book two.
2) Are there any hidden themes in the book that you hope readers will discover?
2) Are there any hidden themes in the book that you hope readers will discover?
There are so many hidden themes that even I'm still discovering what they are. (laughs) But, out of the ones I purposely put in there, I hope people will see that expectations from others and what we think they expect from us aren't always the same thing. I also hope readers will see that we are capable of more than we believe we are, and that sometimes we make sacrifices beyond what we can imagine, but, if they're for the right cause, those sacrifices turn into something even better.
3) Are any of the characters based on real people you know?
3) Are any of the characters based on real people you know?
There are a few characters that are at least loosely based on people I know in real life. Walter is my "number one" fanboy. Leslie is his wife. And Kira, from book two, is their only daughter. Personalities aren't exactly the same but, when borrowing people for your stories, they never really are.
4) Who has influenced you most as a writer?
4) Who has influenced you most as a writer?
As a writer, I'd have to say I've been influenced the most by a mix of J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling. Tolkien has inspired me to create worlds above and beyond what we know as reality. Rowling inspired me to make them as real as possible. Both have a history of some kind of hardship in their lives, either in getting their stories out there or just in life itself. So if they could do it, surely I can do it too.
5) If you could have any three literary characters over to your place for game night, who would you invite, what would you play, what would you serve, and why?
5) If you could have any three literary characters over to your place for game night, who would you invite, what would you play, what would you serve, and why?
Now this one really makes me think. Um... well, I'd love to have Gandalf over. As for the other two, I think it would be amusing to see what he'd think of Dumbledore and my own Emi. They'are all faves of mine. As for games... I think it would be entertaining to play monopoly to see how each would react to it, especially if we play with "house rules", though that might be a bit much for a 3-4 year old.... so maybe Shoots and Ladders would be more entertaining. As for food, I'd serve something easy to eat, like mini sandwiches and sandwich cookies with something like smoothies or chocolate shakes for the drink, because I really think they'd like the chocolate.
6) Do you feel that you can ever have too many books?
6) Do you feel that you can ever have too many books?
I would personally love to have a
copy of every book in the world that has something inspirational to say. The
only genres I would exclude would be anything pornographic, violent for the
sake of violence, horror, gore, or related. Give me clean and wholesome and
life is good. As to a number, there should never be a limit; the more the
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